280. Unable To Govern

While Democracy has much to recommend it, it does have its weaknesses.  If voters don’t understand the complexities of government and thus which candidates can best grapple with those complexities, then just because a government was elected democratically doesn’t mean it will function well.

A case in point would be Egypt.  After protestors overthrew dictator Hosni Mubarak, they held democratic elections to choose a new government.  Being a Muslim country, many of the candidates for a variety of government offices belonged to the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood.  To many voters religious candidates seemed like “good men” and thus the Muslim Brotherhood won the majority of races.

Yet just because someone is religious doesn’t mean he’s an expert in managing a governmental agency.  He is, though, generally more apt to be guided by religious tenets, and in the case of the Muslim Brotherhood, these tenants are based on a medieval world-view.  Despite their piety, these men proved unable to run a modern nation.  In time, millions of the same people who had elected it rose up and removed the Muslim Brotherhood from power.

People have a right to functional government.  This requires leadership by competent politicians rather than ideologues obsessed with changing the government to conform to their rigid views.

For decades now those on America’s political right have grown increasingly rigid and conservative in their views — and increasingly successful in their attempt to implement them through the democratic process.

Yet despite all of their promises to make this country better, these ultra-conservatives have proven incapable of governing.  After gerrymandering their way to a majority in the House, Republicans are preventing our federal government from functioning by blocking virtually everything that comes up and are currently threatening to shut the government down completely.  They say they are staying true to their ideological beliefs – that government should do as little as possible to help the people it serves in order to keep taxes low on the rich.

Republicans are particularly obsessed with repealing Obamacare, an imperfect but needed effort to provide healthcare to tens of millions of uninsured Americans.  Though the Obamacare approach was initially developed by the conservative Heritage Foundation and successfully implemented in Massachusetts by then-governor Mitt Romney, Republicans hate it with a particular passion.   Apparently they think it better that 38 million Americans be denied adequate medical attention than that we join the rest of the industrialized world by providing healthcare for everyone.

Many people are puzzled by this rabid hatred of broader healthcare with some pundits suggesting the Republicans are terrified that, despite its flaws, Obamacare will work.  But there seems to be another reason – money.  If one looks carefully at recent Republican budget proposals, they want to eliminate all the healthcare Obamacare would provide WITHOUT eliminating the taxes that would help pay for it!  These budgets would, at the same time they cut Social Security, Medicare and a host of other safety net programs, redistribute the Obamacare tax revenues in the form of new tax cuts for the very wealthy.

It’s hard to tell if Republican ideology is really as extreme as it appears or if it’s instead a cynical way of whipping up grassroots support for shifting even more wealth away from America’s lower and middle class families.  But one thing’s for sure, these rigid ideologues are proving just as incapable of governing as their Muslim counterparts in the Middle East.  For American democracy to endure, voters need to take their responsibility seriously and start electing people interested in helping America rather than people intent on tearing it apart for economic gain.

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